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What Types of Video Animation Are Best for Marketing

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What Types of Video Animation Are Best for Marketing
By admin January 3, 2023
  • Views: 368
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 Video Animation 


It is likely that your brand makes scores of various types of videos. But have you ever thought about the various styles of your video content?


For each one, you can easily select a wide range of different video styles, which range from live-action videos to live streams, with scores of possibilities in between. Going for the right type and video style for each one means thinking about your objectives for the video, regardless of its evergreen campaign or content.


You may find that you are inclined towards a certain feel and look for your video marketing campaigns, which easily align with your brand colors and tone. Well, it is not a bad thing as long as you can test your assumptions. Furthermore, you can even go for style preferences in your video marketing strategy in order to ensure a consistent approach throughout the campaign.

There are many video animation services companies where you can create the best-animated videos for your video marketing. And the best part is they are proficient in making all types of video animation as they’re equipped with the latest tools and software.


This article gives you a clearer picture of the types of video animation that suit the best for your marketing goals. Read more and learn. 

1. Promotional Videos

Great promotional videos are the ones that generate interest and excitement among the viewers. Animated videos are the best way in order to create a one-of-a-kind moment that shows the essence of a business and makes the audience crazy about what’s to come. 


You may have seen videos in which complex ideas are explained in a simpler and more straightforward way. Chances are, most viewers don’t spend much time thinking about the convolutions of standard telephony systems, but with simple videos, it is easy to see how you can communicate to enhance the message delivery.


Well. It is not surprising that Spotify would create a promotional video that casts sounds and music as the star. The soundtrack is escorted by vibrant animations, and the signature green color is used throughout the video. It is one of the greatest examples of how video animations can be used to bring the visual signature of a brand to life.

2. Live-Streaming Videos

As the name itself suggests, live-streaming videos are broadcast in real time so that viewers can watch what’s happening right now. Though you can make the most out of a number of social media platforms, Facebook has been in the driving seat among the formats. It is considered a distinct type of content, as it gets more interaction than other regular Facebook videos. Moreover, notifications prompt users to see live streams from various pages they follow when they’re happening in real time.


Whereas on LinkedIn, the broadcasters get 7 times more reactions and 24 times more comments on live video streams in contrast with regular videos. Furthermore, the live videos feature is also available on Instagram, YouTube, and many other live-focused and niche platforms such as Twitch.

 3. Whiteboard Animation

When it comes to marketing, you can come across a number of video animations, but there is one type of animated video that you can’t exclude from the list of popular video animations, and this is WHITEBOARD ANIMATIONS!


This means of video animation involves the appearance of the video’s text and graphics being drawn over a white background or a surface. We’re sure that you’ve seen quite a few whiteboard animations. 


Well, they are extremely handy in delivering information, but in order to deliver it successfully, it is essential that you should have a strong concept behind it.

4 .  360-Degree Videos

This is an immersive video format that records a good view in every direction in real-time. You can achieve this with the help of using an omnidirectional camera, or one of the best ways is to do it with a collection of cameras.


The best part is you can view the 360-degree videos through a headset. It shows the different viewer parts of the film or video, which depends on the direction they are turning their head or through a standard screen, where your audience members click to change the view. This format is a perfect choice for brands who want to put an interactive spin on their visual content. 




So, you’ll likely use various video styles for different video animation projects, which depend on the video type, intended audience, your brand goals, and a lot more. Make sure to test all the style options for your videos in order to see which suits the best for your brand and its tone.

One of the things that you should keep in mind is you should be able to combine some video animation styles to create a look that is unique and simply amazing. If you want more information, it is better to consult with the top video animation services company that offers outstanding animated videos and;


  • Web development services 
  • Digital marketing services 
  • Mobile app development services 
  • Graphic design services 
  • Illustration design services
  • Video animation services.